A Few of our Favorite Things

The Kitchen is always a favorite place to play

These castle walls are a new favorite of mine.
They can be put together in countless ways, which keeps Mama entertained, and creates castles big enough to sit in and play, which keeps Austin entertained. Sometimes we build a house for the people, sometimes its a city with passageways for cars and trains.
Turkey chili has made it's yearly comeback. Always a favorite in the winter months
Knitting and felting bowls has become somewhat of an obsession of mine of late. They are quick to knit, fun to felt, great for using up small amounts of yarn and are useful to boot! The littlest one has become a candle holder.
Play dough. What would inclement weather be without play dough. Always a big hit and a tasty treat. Wait, you're NOT supposed to be eating it!
Trains, trains and more trains. Big trains, little trains, books about trains. You get the idea.
Itty bitty booties. No, these sadly do not his ever growing little feet anymore. I found these the other day while rooting thru a drawer for candles. Why they would be in a candle drawer I simply cannot say. But I have been enjoying occasionally picking them up and wistfully remembering when his little feet were that small.....not that long ago. And hoping and praying that maybe another little pair of feet will someday soon fit in them again.
These Winter Days
What a strange winter this has been. October brought us an unexpected snowstorm and except for the bit we got last weekend which quickly vanished, it has been a very snow less winter. We have had cold days but also many more mild ones and the changes from one to another has been dramatic and swift. One day it may be 17 degrees and the next, 52. The constant change in temperature has left us all with an almost constant runny nose. But, be that as it may, winter will still technically be with us for many more weeks. How to make the most of it? What keeps us busy on these gray, wet days? I try to get outside to play on most days, regardless of the cold, as long as it is not raining. It may not be for long, but I think the fresh air is worth it. We have spent many a cold morning on a completely empty playground. Austin often comments, "no boys and girls at the playground today". But truthfully, this time outside makes up only a small percent of our days. Fresh air is nice, but so is being cosy in the comfort of one own home. And we have been cosy. We are playing with old toys in new ways, pulling out the favorites, rotating in some new ones, just generally having fun. And of course the books, always the books. I am so glad this little person of ours is turning out to love books as much as we do. What this will mean in terms of future storage is a bit of a scary thought. I envision one day having to move the bedrooms and everything downstairs just so we can convert the upstairs into a library. Or maybe an addition to the house??? In any case, I'm kind of enjoying a self imposed house arrest this year. Usually, I like to be out, going places, doing things. And when the spring and summer comes, that urge will probably return. But for now, I'm heeding the call of the rocking chair, the yarn and needles, the books and the little voice that says, "Mama, come play" and liking it.
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