Yesterday was a pretty busy day. We had some errands to run, one of which was a doctor's appointment. And while I paid a visit to my very HUMAN fertility doctor, THESE are the babies we actually came home with:
Obviously, we also stopped by our local farm and feed store. We got 6 White crested Polish chicks (the ones with the pom pom heads) and 2 Buff Orpingtons. We are scheduled to get a dozen more chicks in May, but... can't very well resist such fluffy cuteness, especially with an excited two year old in tow.
The first thing upon waking up, Austin said, "Can I check on MY baby chicks?" Daisey dog felt the need to "check" on them too. Notice the tongue hanging out. She was a little too excited about them for my comfort. She kept trying to climb into the chick box. I will have to keep my eye on the situation.
Austin is so proud of his role as caretaker and is super gentle when handling them. He looks throughout the day to see if they are alright. He has named one "Goldilocks" and one other "Emily". We are still brainstorming on some other names. Any suggestions???
Daisey is a self appointed guardian of the chicks but I have serious doubts about her alterior motives.
AFTER we purchased these chicks and I did a little more research on the Polish breed (this breed is new to us) I learned that they don't tolerate cold or wet well and that some owners actually blow dry their crest after rain before letting them roost for the night. REALLY? Some tie up their crest in little hair bands so they can see better. FOR REAL? I am now envisioning running a small hen spa just to keep up with my new little ladies. You see, Polish Crested chickens get this Phyllis Diller hairdo as they become adults, something like this:

This makes it more difficult for them to see and thus avoid predators. Their crest feather also stay damp longer, making them suceptible to getting a chill and thus getting sick. I figure while I'm blowdrying and styling their hair, I may just paint their little toe nails too! Just kidding. On the bright side, they are known to be very child friendly, have a lot of personality and be very gentle. You can even keep males of this breed together as they "never fight".
Have you ever seen such cute dancing toddler feet? He is "dancing for the chickens. They like when I dance for them." I'm not kidding. These chicks are a day old and already have live entertainment as a part of their daily care.
As far as the human baby thing goes, my doctor seems hopeful but it is still a long road ahead with Insurance companies to fight, uncomfortable tests to repeat, too many injections in my belly, way too many blood tests and ultrasounds and a whole lot of hormones running through my body making me just a teensy weensy bit on edge! But, hopefully, when all is done and endured, there will be a new little life to love on. Please keep us in your prayers.